Netsmartz for Educators and Netsmartz Kids were developed by the digital citizenship guru Howard Rheingold. Between the three sites there is information, activities, games and resources galore. Mr Rheingold also has a fabulous webinar archived on the simplek12 website about the importance of students needing highly developed "crap detectors" when looking for information online. (Here is a CRAAP Test cheat sheet.) He also has a Ted Talk, recorded in 2005. He had authored a library of books, but the most relevant here is Net Smart: How to thrive on line . Common Sense Media is another site bursting with information and resources. Their videos are especially engaging and useful. They also have free books, textbook workbooks, complete with teacher editions and an online game-based unit, Digital Passport, to accompany the book for grades 3-5.. (Scroll down on the page to see them.) i-SAFE offers curriculum for digital literacy and citizenship. Think Before You Link is a site run by Intel, Macafee, and Discovery Education. It has online courses for students about various aspects of Internet safety. They are simplistic, yet interactive. I recommend them for elementary school students. There are also a few activities, as well as resources for educators and parents.
I also have an ever-growing folder of resources in Google Drive, which I have made public.
I also have an ever-growing folder of resources in Google Drive, which I have made public.