This post was inspired by my dermatologist, Dr. Miller, who literally saved my life. I was in for a routine appointment and he found and removed a mole with melanoma. He caught it at stage zero, so I'm considered cured. Whew... I had missed it, but he didn't. All he had to do, was his job, and it saved my life.
So what about us educators? I figure we save lives every day. Think of the PE coach who starts the morning running club. Now, that child who struggles academically, runs the most laps every year. The running club may have just saved that child. What about the librarian who finds just the right book that hooks the dyslexic student, and gets his reading started? She just may have saved him. What about the teacher who spent a few extra minutes, letting a student know that she was not alone in her family difficulties? She just may have been saved by that few minutes of caring.
Will any of these educators ever realize the tremendous impact that they had on these students? Probably not, but it doesn't matter because we aren't in this for glory. We are here to repair the world. So here is my challenge to you, teachers: Do your job, do it well, and save someone without every even knowing you did it!
So what about us educators? I figure we save lives every day. Think of the PE coach who starts the morning running club. Now, that child who struggles academically, runs the most laps every year. The running club may have just saved that child. What about the librarian who finds just the right book that hooks the dyslexic student, and gets his reading started? She just may have saved him. What about the teacher who spent a few extra minutes, letting a student know that she was not alone in her family difficulties? She just may have been saved by that few minutes of caring.
Will any of these educators ever realize the tremendous impact that they had on these students? Probably not, but it doesn't matter because we aren't in this for glory. We are here to repair the world. So here is my challenge to you, teachers: Do your job, do it well, and save someone without every even knowing you did it!